Page 90 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 90

for  avoiding  Ulpan  at  8  o’clock  the  next    experience  at  Sa’ad,  which  is  close  to  the
               morning.                                           Gaza Strip  border opposite Gaza City, was
                                                                  not  much  different  from  that  of  the  main
               The highlight of the machzor must have been
               Sadat’s  visit.  I  actually  saw  him  in  central   group  at  Beit  HaEmek.  We  all  ate  in  the
               Jerusalem  that  Saturday  night  (following  a    hadar  ochel  and  watched  films  there  (one
               Shabbat  visit  to  Mishmar  David)  as  the       evening  was  ‘Rollerball’),  argued  with  the
               cavalcade drove along King David Street to         sadran avoda (with limited success) for the
               the  hotel.  Our  rucksacked  American             jobs we wanted, went to our kibbutz parents,
               participant  expanded  his  climbing  skills  by   lived  in  semi-isolation  from  the  rest  of  the
               taking an Egyptian flag from a lamp-post.          world,  queued  up  for  one  of  the  few
                                                                  telephones on the kibbutz, worked six days a
               For me, the best gift of the Machon, and of        week and rested on Shabbat. There was the
               the whole Shana, was the life-long friendship      never  admitted  and  subtle  sexism  that
               that I made with my two fellow dati’im in the      effectively  limited  most  chaverot  to
               group,  Shlomo  Bendahan  and  Michael             “women’s  jobs”:  kindergartens,  kitchen,
               Horesh.  I  already  knew  them  well  enough      laundry, etc., with the agricultural branches
               from  machanot,  but  now  I  quickly  became      almost  exclusively  a  male  domain.  And
               fast  and  almost  inseparable  friends  with      chagim  were  taken  very  seriously,  with
               them. We were known as the G-d Squad, and          magnificent  productions  for  the  whole
               the label has never quite disappeared. And,        kibbutz  on  occasions  such  as  Purim  and
               following in the footsteps of the three datiot     Seder night.
               in the Hachshara two years previously, we
               indeed were sent to Kibbutz Sa’ad to spend
               the second half of the year.

                                                                  Machon. Left to Right: Carolyn Emmanuel,
                                                                  Jonathan       Kalisch,      Sue      Moss
                                                                  Photo: Shlomo Bendahan

                                                                  But  there  were  differences.  The  food  was
               Shlomo Bendahan Photo from Shlomo                  fully  kosher,  and  there  was  never  a  work

               In  the  1970s,  a  religious  kibbutz  was  not   giyus on Shabbat. Most of the males attended
               dissimilar  to  a  secular  one,  and  our         synagogue  thrice  daily,  often  with  muddy

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