Page 87 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 87

the  fields  at  four  o'clock  in  the  morning   Aliya a year later, after another year's activity
               armed with a mallet.                               in the Movement.

               The idea of kibbutz and communal living was        We left England October 8 , 1969, travelling
               at peak popularity after the 6-Day War, and        with  our  backpacks  through  Europe  on  the
               youth  flocked  from  all  over  the  world  to    way, stopping off at  youth hostels in Paris,
               volunteer in Israel on kibbutz, usually for a      Torino,  Florence,  Rome  and  Naples.  When
               few months at a time. As a result, there was       we reached Naples, a young representative of
               also quite an interest in the Hachshara. One       the Jewish Agency welcomed us and took us
               manifestation was a visit to our Hachshara         on  a  tour  in  his  car  of  the  city  and  bay  of
               by a German Television team who came to            Naples. He even accompanied us to the port,
               film  us. What  I  recall  was  their  filming  us   the following day, when we boarded the Zim
               putting  on  our  wellington  boots  in  the       ship "Moledet", arriving in Haifa on October
               morning. We must have done the take at least       19 , and from there, straight to Amiad.
               a dozen times, on and off. I don't know how        Now, 51 years have passed.  In January 2020,
               much it contributed to the Zionist cause, but      I was sorting out some of the old paperwork
               it  was  gratifying  that  the  Hachshara  was     and   came    across   my     1969   diary.
               attracting awareness even overseas. We also        I looked through the pages and came across
               held open days, mainly for the parents, with       the name of the  young man who made our
               write-ups in the local newspaper. (Examples        stay  in  Naples  so  enjoyable.  The  name
               of  such  write-ups  will  appear  in  the  next   seemed very familiar, and I sent off a mail to
               Newsletter – ed.)
                                                                  Coral and asked her if by any chance she was
               In mid-September, we held a goodbye party          acquainted?
               for those leaving the Hachshara. They say all      His name… Ronie Navon!
               good things must come to an end, but for us
               it  was  just  the  beginning,  with  some  like   (Coral’s  comment:  “Ronie’s  father  was  the
               myself who had joined Garin Zayin to go to         Gizbar of the Jewish Agency in Naples at that
               Kibbutz Amiad, and others who joined Garin         time. After his military service, Ronie spent
               Chet to go to Kibbutz Mevo Chama.                  close  to  a  year  in  Naples  and  helped  by
                                                                  greeting  and  aiding  Olim/visitors  and  by
               In retrospect, it was a wonderful experience,      taking them for local and regional tours. Then
               with  a  dedicated  group  of  young  people.  I   he ended up on the Eder Farm, where we met
               think we all learnt a lot. I also owe a debt of    – I was on Hachshara – and the rest, as they
               gratitude  to  Bill  and  Annie  Stewart  who      say, is history!)
               taught me, among other things, how to work.
               Fond memories!

               A  postscript:  Four  of  us  on  the  1968                                     Coral & Ronie on
               Hachshara formed the last  kvutza  of Garin                                     the Eder Farm, 1970
               Zayin – me, Norrie (Norman) Brodie, Elaine
               Barnett, and Lainy (Helene) Rose, but made

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