Page 92 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 92

IN THE BEGINNING                                   Yehudit came on Aliya to Kfar Blum and had
                                                                  not been back to Manchester since. She was
               SHLOIMY ALMAN Z”L                                  the first madricha there.

                     was  privileged  to  be  asked  to  relieve
                    Howard Cohen as co-madrich of Shnat
                    Hachshara  on  Beit  HaEmek  in  1979,
               when  he  was  conscripted  into  the  army.       Yehudit Avni at Bet Berl in 1979
                                                                  Years later, I would discover that two of the
               (The Israeli madrich was Roni Azati now of         then chanichim were known to me - Albert
               Archive fame.)                                     Brown, father of Mike and Dave Brown, and

               During the Habonim Kibbutzim Tour it was           Mimi  Tarsky,  aunt  of  Ivri  Tasker  (my first
               decided to  attempt to  rekindle contact  with     madrich in Habonim in a parallel universe).
               Kfar  Blum,  which  had  ceased  to  figure  on    I  met  Yehudit  Avni  again  at  the  50-year
               Habonim meshek tours probably due to the           celebrations at Bet Berl, where she sang with
               age of the Habonim vatikim (pensioners).           the Habonim choir, and I photographed the
               Shabbat  afternoon,  we  were  met  in  the  car   Shnat Hachsharaniks with the then President
               park by the legendary Moggie Margalit, who         Yitzhak Navon.
               proceeded  to  lead  the  group  and  introduce
               Kfar  Blum.  We  ended  up  in  the  Moadon
               where the Habonim vatikim had baked cakes
               and met with us one-on-one.

               One  silver-haired  lady,  Yehudit  Avni
               (Polinsky), asked who was from Manchester
               – we were three, and she asked for our family
               names, I answered Alman. Quick as a flash,
               she  asked  if  I  was  related  to  Alman,  the
               barber, who had his shop on Gt. Ducie Street,      President  Yitzhak  Navon  at  Bet  Berl.
               Strangeways. She went on to tell me that the       The redhead is Dan Patterson
               first Gedud of Habonim in 1932 met in the
               back of my uncle’s barber shop.                    I never knew of my uncle’s Zionist leanings,
                                                                  but it explains why he took me to Habonim’s
                                                                  30-year celebration in 1959.

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