Page 75 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 75
organisation, secretly bumped off Nazi
officers in Europe. Both of these were
published by Gefen and are sold in
Steimatzky and Amazon.
I am now working on a new novel about
Colonel Thomas Blood, a swashbuckling
17 -century character, who was the only one
to have almost succeeded in stealing the
Crown Jewels from the Tower of London in
1671. In the meanwhile, I am waiting for
My third Israeli-style novel was the hardest three books to be published in the UK. One is
one I’ve ever written. Entitled ‘Six Million about Nelson’s mistress, Emma Hamilton;
Accusers’, it is about capturing Adolf the second is a light-hearted history of crime
Eichmann in 1960. I wrote it from the point in Britain, and the third is a young people’s
of view that I was one of the Mossad team biographic novel about Shakespeare. These
operating in Buenos Aires. As such, after will be published by my two new publishers,
grabbing him off the street, I then had to face who I hope will be menschen.
this evil man and share a roof with him in a
safe-house until he could be flown back to If you are interested in taking a closer look at
Israel to stand trial. Although a member of my books, go to Amazon. Look for “D.
the Mossad gave me some interesting Lawrence-Young” in inverted commas.
information, it was extremely difficult to David L. Young (N.W. London Ken) made
write about this top Nazi, knowing what he Aliya in 1968, and has since lived in Arad,
had been responsible for. To my surprise, this Kibbutz Mishmar David, and Jerusalem.
novel made some waves. I had a long article Before retiring in 2013, he taught and
published in the Jewish Chronicle and lectured in Sunderland, Arad and Jerusalem.
another in the Manchester Jewish Telegraph. He is married to Beverley, an ex-Aussie
In addition, the BBC invited me to come to Habonimnik, and has two kids and three
London and I gave seven interviews about grandchildren. Apart from writing, he now
this book on Holocaust Day, 2015 in London gives talks on history, English and
and elsewhere. Shakespeare at AACI, ESRA etc., and is
willing to give free advice to other writers
(tel. 02-6723 769).