Page 71 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 71
library still functions on a volunteer basis, as
it always did, though it no longer enjoys a
kibbutz yearly 'new book' budget, as in the
old days. The Cultural Committee still
operates and organises entertainment,
evening performances and all the kibbutz
festivals, including the kibbutz birthday.
The kibbutz finally finished the wearisome
process of getting the houses signed over to
the members. So now I own my own house
Geoff preparing for the and the land around it. Since my house was
innings at Amiad.
never renovated, one of the last acts the
Security Road. Everybody owns a PC or kibbutz dealt with was compensation and I
laptop, a landline phone and a cell phone, a recently received a large sum of money to add
TV, DVD player, VCR, a fridge, cooking rooms and redecorate.
stove and a fully-furnished house, including On Friday evening, I take my car, a Mazda
a spare bedroom.
Corsa, down to Karkur to dine with the two
There is no money exchange. Everything is boys and their families. They live next door
done by credit card. The kibbutz budgets, to each other so it's always a combined meal,
salaries and pensions are paid directly into and usually there are six or seven
the member's bank account. The bills are grandchildren present too.
settled at the end of every month. I'm not too fond of eating in the dining-hall
Since retiring, I am able to travel abroad anymore. If anything, I take the food home.
every year, and have been to some 10 The 300-place dining-hall is half empty, and
countries since 1996, including a yearly trip there are only a few members eating there.
to the US and to the UK, to see my family. The rest are the kibbutz factory workers, and
they look at me and wonder who I am and
However, the kibbutz still functions, in some
ways, like the old-style kibbutzim. There is what I'm doing there.
still quite a lot of 'mutual aid,' and the Kibbutz Amiad. January 2011
community looks after and provides services
for its seniors. The healthcare system still
works, there is a nurse in the clinic every day Nine Years Later
and a doctor visits twice a week, regularly. Of I had absolutely no idea that retirement would
course, members now pay for medications, be such an interesting and enjoyable time, yet
but the Kupat Holim (health fund) insurance the past 20 years have been very satisfying,
scheme is still the prime source of kibbutz though it did start off with the worst tragedy
medical care. anyone could imagine, namely losing Celia,
Community activities include art classes, my partner and wife of 40 years, but as they
pottery, Bridge classes and Club. The kibbutz say: life must go on.