Page 67 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 67

visiting a cinema in Tel Aviv. The place was
                                                                  air-conditioned, and it was the first time in

                                                                  my life that I had been in an air-conditioned
                                                                  building – in Egypt, we lived in tents! What

                                                                  was  so  strange  was  coming  out  of  a  cool
                                                                  building into the Tel-Aviv heat and humidity.

                           Othello's Tower

               I stayed in a cheap hotel and woke up at night
               to find the bed full of bedbugs. I was furious,
               got  out  of  bed  and  found  the  owner,
               physically  hauled  him  out  of  his  room  and
               made him change the bedding.                                 Fink’s Bar - Jerusalem
                                                                  While in Jerusalem, I stayed with my uncle
               I  got  on  the  ship  at  Larnaca.  It  was  an
               overnight  voyage  and,  in  the  morning,  we     and  aunt  in  Bet  Foner  at  30,  Ben  Maimon
               docked  in  Haifa.  I  got  up  early  to  see  the   Street. I remember going to Fink’s bar in the
               shoreline of Israel as we approached. On the       centre of town; it was about the only place in
               ship, I learned how Italians ate spaghetti by      Jerusalem  that  was  open  in  the  evenings.
               curling it around their forks against a spoon.     Many years later, our son David used to go
               I  was  really  impressed,  because  I’d  never    there regularly to meet his friend. Sadly, it is
               seen it done before. At the dockside waiting       no longer in existence.
               for me was my cousin’s daughter, Rutie, who        At the end of the holiday, I went to Haifa and
               took me back home to Ramat Gan. I think she        got on the ship back to Cyprus. I collected my
               managed  to  get  time  off  from  the  army  to   uniform in Nicosia, changed clothes, and was
               meet me. During the time I was in Israel, I        flown back to Egypt. The army never knew I
               stayed mostly in Ramat Gan and Tel-Aviv.           had deserted!
               However, I also went to visit my family in
               Jerusalem and Karkur. and to visit my friend,
               Stanley Hyman and his wife Rosie, in Amiad.
               I travelled on buses and managed to see quite
               a bit of the country. Israel was only 6 years
               old and very different from the country we
               know  now.  The  overwhelming  impression
               was heat, dust and the struggle to build the
               country.  Unfortunately,  the  photos  I  took
               didn’t come out well, so I cannot reproduce
               them here. One vivid memory I have was of

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