Page 80 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 80

Simon looked at the papers, and back at the        As  I  expected,  Jim  was  enraged  about  the
               sidecar and began giggling again. How would        whole affair, business-like about the accident
               we get back? It was much too far to walk. The      and  unconcerned  about  the  Haggadah
               papers were probably soiled and mixed up,          booklets we'd gone to such pains to produce.
               and most important, we had to get attention        But it all had to be done in our own time, after
               for Simon's ripped hand and get my shoulder        work,  of  course.  We'd  done  precisely  that,
               X-rayed. The papers that he picked up would        and our little accident was the result. He used
               probably  be  blood-stained  anyway.  What  a      my desperate exhaustion to launch a furious
               Seder night that would be! The sacrifice and       attack  on  the  whole  chevra  and  its  short-
               blood all over again.                              sightedness.  About  most  things  he  was
                                                                  usually right, maybe this time, too.
               We heard a car approaching the bend and as
               it  slowed,  we  flagged  it  down.  The  driver   "So,  how  do  you  feel?  My  wife  dressed
               must have seen the wreck in the headlights.        Simon's hand. It will heal up alright. Now.
               He turned out to be a neighbour from down          Look you 'ere, Maurice. YOU have to be the
               Starling Green Lane. Sympathetic and glad to       one to set the example. You lot seem to think
               be  of  help,  he  brought  us  right  up  to  the   that  running  a  farm  is  some  kind  of  game.
               mansion,  our  precious,  besmirched  papers       You can't print that book for Passover, run up
               and all. I made a mental memo to write him a       to  London,  and  then  run  the  farm  in  your
               letter of thanks. We left a note for the early     spare time. The two things just dawn't mix,
               shift  not  to  wake  us  as  we'd  been  in  an   lad. You,  I mean YOU  personally, have to
               accident.  I  also  wrote  a  message  for  Jim    deal  out  responsibility.  One  person  can't
               Hobbs  (the  farm  manager  and  instructor),      possibly do all these jobs alone, and now with
               letting him know we'd be coming in late for        all what's happening with your Garin group –
               work. But from that angle, we couldn't expect      those going out in October. Just be realistic,
               too  much  sympathy.  At  most,  some              lad.  How  do  you  think  they  manage  in  a
               consideration.  Jim  was  a  stickler  for  work   kibbutz? One person is farm co-ordinator and
               ethics.                                            Garin secretary and conducts the choir and
                                                                  also writes the Passover show? Course not!
               At breakfast time, I staggered down to eat,
               still  knackered,  and  was  immediately           It's probably four different people, and none
               surrounded  by  all  the  chevra  excitedly        of it on farm time, either!" Jim Hobbs hadn't
               enquiring  what  had  happened,  where  was        yet  finished  with  me,  nor  with  our  chevra.
               Simon  and  was  he  alright?  Jack,  our          But at twenty-three, who didn't think he was
               dairyman, then informed me that Jim Hobbs          omnipotent?
               was waiting for a full report on the accident,
               and unless something serious was amiss, he
               expected  both  of  us  to  report  for  work
               immediately. Blimey, I thought, no peace for
               the wicked. Simon's injured thumb and my
               painful shoulder both needed attention.

                                                                     The Famous Motorbike, before the accident

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