Page 81 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 81

MEMORIES OF HACHSHARA                              over the years in which
                                                                  he  also  mentioned  his
               AND THE FRENCH                                     time  at  Hurst  Grange,

               (HUGUENOT) CONNECTION                              and his working for the
                                                                  Lobjoits.   This   was
               FRANCIS VAN ENDEM (VAN)                            spotted  by  a  Mr  John
                                                                  Poynton. Mr Poynton, it
                                                                  appears, is married to a
                                                                  granddaughter       of    Milton Taylor at
                                                                  George  Lobjoit.  His     the Habonim 90
                                                                  wife’s    father    is      Anniversary
                                                                  Edward       Poynton,       Celebration
                                                                  George’s  son.  From       October 2019
               I                                                  this ensued the following correspondence.
                   n  its  heyday,  the  Hachshara  at  Hurst
                   Grange was peopled by between 30 and
                                                                  A  –  Email  from  John  Poynton  to  Milton
                   40  chaverim.  Keeping  house  and
               working  the  farm  usually  took  seven           dated March 31, 2015:
               chaverim. All the rest found employment in          I came across your journal by accident, and
               the  local  farming  community  or  any  other     found  it  very  interesting  because  of  the
               suitable employment available.                     Lobjoit link. I showed it to my father-in-law,
                                                                  Edward Lobjoit. He remembered Nat Ritsky,
                                                                  specifically, and also a girl named Hanna (?).
                                                                  He recalls lots of visits to their back door, so
                                                                  that his mother, Joan Lobjoit, could patch up

                                                                  various  injuries.  He  remembered  someone
                                                                  being  run  over  by  a  cart,  but  not  seriously

                                                                  hurt. He said they were fun times. Sadly, the
                                                                  farms have gone, their place taken by housing

                                                                  estates. Thank you for adding to the family
                                                                  history  and  glad  you  found  it  a  positive
                         Hurst Grange Hachshara
                                                                  (Editor: Edward Lobjoit was then 79, which
               One  of  the  farms  that  habitually  employed    means that in 1949 he would have been 14
               chaverim  was  Ryvers  Farm,  owned  by  the       years old).
               Lobjoit  family  and  managed  by  George
               Lobjoit. Amongst them were Alf Mann, Nat           B - Milton replied on March 31, 2015:
               Ritsky, Mike Valencia, Milton Taylor, Louis        John, thank you for your note. I am curious
               Williams and me. There were probably others        how you came across my blog. If I remember
               I didn’t know about.                               correctly,  I  worked  with  a  cowman  called
                                                                  either Fred or Frank. It was such a long time
               A  few  years  ago,  Milton  posted  on  the
               Internet a document of his various activities      ago. I am now 83, but think of those days as

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