Page 46 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 46

               Sunday, 22  April                                  these  wonderful  conditions  for  children
                                                                  makes them so hard and rude when they are
               What a long and crowded day. Arose at 5.30
               am. We rode in the kibbutz lorry through the       older.
               carp ponds near Kfar Blum. Decided to call         In the evening, we saw the dark Syrian hills
               in at Neot Mordechai, on the way. We saw R,        and the twinkling lights from the surrounding
               an old friend of David’s, and she showed us        kibbutzim  of  Dan,  Metullah,  Ma’ayan
               round  the  farm.  What  a  contrast  to  Kfar     Baruch, and Kfar Szold. In the evening, we
               Hanassi!  They  are  building  a  large  school    went  to  a  piano  recital  held  in  a  large,
               with  lawns,  trees  and  beautiful  flower        converted garage in Neot Mordechai.  There
               gardens. They have been building for four or       were  about  five-hundred  people  in  the
               five  years.  We  saw  another  of  David’s        audience. The recital was not great, and I got
               friends,  whose  room  was  cool  and  most        very  tired.  We  are  sleeping  in  one  of  the
               tastefully  furnished.  Later,  we  were  shown    buildings  of  the  children’s  quarters  –  for
               their cow sheds,  and their shoe and slipper       which  I  collected  money,  years  ago  in
               factory.  We  arrived  in  Kfar  Blum,  where      Southport.
               there  is  even  more  progress.  Their  land,
               which has now been cleared of swamps, is
               rich and fertile, and they have an abundant
               water supply  from  the nearby  river Jordan.
               The  latest  concrete  dwellings  have  two
               rooms,  which  are  very  cool  and  modern,
               complete  with  flush  lavatory  and  showers.
               This  place  is  terrifically  go-ahead,  making
               rapid progress. All the chaverim have electric
               kettles and make tea in their rooms. From 3
               or 4 pm onwards, we made a round of tea-
               drinking, from one old friend to another. The
               general  problem  of  most  established
               kibbutzim  is  that  of  eating  and  to  achieve
               good, clean quick service in the large dining-
               hall with a capacity of two or three hundred
               people at a sitting. For instance, we had to eat
               in a terrific noise and on a very messy table –
               and I hate eating without a knife – due, no
               doubt,  to  the  fact  that  they  are  often         Jose and David  (left) with  Melvin  (Joe)
               borrowed, and not  returned! The children’s           and Anita Cohen in Marseilles, en route
               houses are the last word in modernity, and the        to Israel
               children look happy and healthy. The oldest
               are  12-  and  13-year  olds  –  sadly,  typical
               sabras, lacking any manners. I wonder why

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