Page 44 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 44

EXTRACT FROM HER 1951                              and Second-class passengers were going off
                                                                  the boat, and we, immigrants, would have to
               DIARY THAT DESCRIBES                               remain all night. Luckily, we decided to fight

               HER ALIYAH                                         and won. We (literally) fought our way round
                                                                  the  Customs,  fought  our  way  on  to  a  little
               JOSE PATTERSON                                     boat,  and  soon  found  ourselves  in  the
                                                                  Customs  shed.  We saw only  Leslie Green
                                                                  and Helen Rubenstein, but it was a link from
                                                                  the  past.  Pandemonium  and  supreme  chaos
                                                                  reigned everywhere, but eventually we got all
                                                                  our  luggage  together,  put  it  into  the  left-
                                                                  luggage office, and Leslie took us to a hotel.
                                                                  Emmie (from the Manchester Bayit) had told
                                                                  us that we must go up the Carmel on our first
               T                                                  night in Haifa, but since we woke up the hotel
                      uesday, 17th April, 1951 Jose’s diary.
                                                                  proprietor, we decided to stay in our room for
                      7  pm:    We  can  see  the  Carmel
                      mountain  range very  clearly now  as       the night.
               we  are  approaching  Haifa.  We’re  all  very     10am:  Passed through the Customs with ease
               excited and joking about the smallness of the      and received great courtesy – that’s one up on
               Carmel!  The  decks  are  crowded  now,  and       the tourists anyway.  Saw A. M. & S, who
               hardly anyone ate their hasty supper.  I can       told us that they are going to an immigrant
               hardly believe that this really is Israel.  The    hostel for two or three days.  We are going to
               lights of the houses are just lighting up, and     Kibbutz Kfar Hanassi, this afternoon.
               we can see the twinkling lights of the shore.      In spite of wet weather and poor visibility, we
               Behind  us,  the  red  ball  of  the  sun  is  just   enjoyed the bus journey through the Galilee
               disappearing under the sea. We hear that all       and Upper Galilee, and even managed to get
               passengers  will  go  down  tonight,  but  the     a glimpse of the Kinneret – the Sea of Galilee
               immigrants will have to remain on board all        –  surrounded  by  beautiful  hills.  The  views
               night. The last blow. We’ve got longer to stay     were  truly  magnificent  with  large  areas  of
               than the tourists. Couldn’t  help  thinking  of    barren, stony hills, which made us realise the
               the many who came this far and were turned         need for people like us – pioneers ready to
               back, and how they must have felt.
                                                                  help build the land. As Joseph told us, “They
               Wednesday, 18  April.                              have saved some work for us to do in Israel!”
               It  seems  quite  like  a  nightmare  to  imagine   I felt (and still feel) in a bit of a whirl at seeing
               that we’re really on Israeli soil, that we have    the kibbutz and the chaverim I know.  It was
               spent  a  night  in  Haifa,  and  that  everyone   something  of  a  revelation  for  David,  who
               around  us  are  Israelis.    Last  night  was  a   knew every other person very well whom he
               memorable one.  I found it hard to reconcile       hadn’t  seen  for  years.  He  certainly  felt  at
               myself to the fact that all tourists and First     home. The kibbutz is quite well-established,
                                                                  considering it is only a year since they started

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