Page 37 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 37

dining-rooms of Kfar Blum, Kfar Hachoresh,         rampage of a previously unknown killer, the
               Amiad and Rosh Hanikra. The height of his          plague of the corona virus.
               creativity was expressed in the dining-room        What  are  you  doing  in  these  days  of
               of  his  own  kibbutz,  which,  following  the     lockdown?
               newly-built centre in Kfar Hanassi, was novel
               in  that  it  combined  functions  that  had       “I  sit  at  home  and  I  have  plenty  to  do.  I
               previously been housed in separate buildings,      volunteered  to  organise  the  kibbutz
               such  as  the  moadon  (clubhouse),  mazkirut      newsletters  and  continue  to  update  the
               (secretariat  offices)  and  kol-bo  (general      architectural archives of the kibbutz that I set
               store).  Since  then,  other  kibbutzim  have      up and write on many topics. Twice a day, I
               followed his lead.                                 go for a walk and am generally well looked-
                                                                  after. Every day, the clinic calls me to check
               Kahana’s influence was not restricted to the       that I’m OK. I receive all my meals from the
               planning  itself,  but  was  exemplified  by       kibbutz kitchen. The store is open, and every
               initiating conferences, publishing articles and    day,  my  granddaughter,  who  lives  nearby,
               establishing the Research and Development          goes there to buy me whatever I need. I have
               Unit within the Takam (Kibbutz Movement)           a large record and CD collection, and I listen
               Planning Department.
                                                                  to different albums from time to time.”
               In 2011, he published his monumental work          Now,  with  the  corona  virus  threatening
               “Neither City nor Village: The Architecture        everyone, are you worried?
               in the Kibbutz 1910-1990” (published by Yad
               Tabenkin),  which  documents  and  appraises       “I am very worried on a global scale, but not
               the architectural creativity of the kibbutz as     personally.  What  can  still  worry  me?  I’m
               an  extraordinary  urban  alternative.  He  also   almost 93 years old. All my life, I believed
               established  the  Planning  and  Architectural     that living in a community is the right way to
               Kibbutz  Archive,  which  is  housed  in  the      live,  as  opposed  to  living  a  private,
               Institute for Research and Documentation of        anonymous  city  life,  and  today,  when  the
               the Kibbutz Movement, at Yad Tabenkin in           outside world is breaking up and changing,
               Ramat Efal.                                        my  community  and  my  family  are  my  real
                                                                  support. That just goes to show that we have
               Kahana had the good fortune to be saved, to        to find community-based solutions.”
               forge his own path in a foreign land, to learn
               architecture in London, to immigrate to Israel     Do you remember your parents, whom you
               and  to  become  one  of  the  outstanding         lost at such a young age?
               architects  of  the  kibbutz  movement,  to        “From  time  to  time,  I  think  of  them,  even
               innovate  in  architecture,  to  teach  at  the    though I can no longer remember them, it was
               Technion  and  to  raise  a  large  family  that   so  long  ago.  I  think  if  they  could  see  me
               surrounds him today (his wife passed away in       today, they would be happy to know that we
               2016),  and  is  especially  supportive  now,      carried on. They would be happy to see the
               when  he  is  forced  to  isolate  himself  in  his   children and the nine grandchildren. That is
               kibbutz apartment because of the murderous         my victory.”
                 Freddy has written a 100-page memoir of his and Hannah’s life. He welcomes anyone to
                 contact him to receive it. Please contact: for his email.
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