Page 36 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 36

He  clearly  remembers  the  enormous              I have accomplished? After all that happened,
               destruction that London suffered, then.            I need to do something different – to go on
                                                                  Aliyah and build a new society. My luck was
               During  the  final  stages  of  the  war,  Freddy
               reached  the  end  of  his  high-school  studies,   that my girlfriend, Hannah, who was already
               and  began  to  weigh  his  future  and  which     in Habonim, and who was a nurse by training,
               profession to follow. “Without understanding       also saw the situation in the same way that I
               what architecture really was, I always wanted      did.”
               to be an architect”, he says. “I went to AA –      Kahana  joined  Habonim  youth  movement,
               The  Architectural  Association  School  of        where he met shlichim from Kibbutz Givat
               Architecture  (one  of  the  world’s  leading      Chaim  and  learnt  about  the  collective
               architectural  schools  –  M.J.)  to  see  for     settlements. His final project for his studies
               myself, but I didn’t like the snobbish élitism     was the planning of a Kibbutz in England.
               and preferred the modest Polytechnic”.
                                                                  In  1954,  after  he  and  Hannah  married  and
               “Strangers were living in the apartment. I         having  completed  his  term  as  Habonim
               went to my parents’ shop, now of course            Secretary,  the  couple  realised  their  dreams
               under new ownership. I saw that nothing            and went to live in Israel.
               had remained. I understood and decided to          The new dining room in his kibbutz
               put it all behind me.”
                                                                  Freddy  and  Hannah  joined  Kibbutz  Bet
               The war ended. His uncle generously paid for       HaEmek  in  Western  Galilee,  a  kibbutz
               his studies and watched him succeed. In the        founded in 1949 by survivors of the camps
               second year of his studies, he was approached      and  partisans  from  Hungary.  They  had
               to represent the UK students of architecture       moved  into  the  houses  of  an  Arab  village,
               at the founding congress of the "International     Kuwaykat,  whose  inhabitants  had  been
               Union of Students" in Prague. From his point       expelled  during  the  War  of  Independence.
               of  view,  it  was  a  return  home  after  the    The original group left after a short time and
               Holocaust. The congress bored him (“From           were  replaced  by  Olim  from  Britain  and
               morning to night there were speeches, mainly       Holland.
               from  the  Soviet  bloc”)  and,  as  soon  as  it
               finished, he  was  free to visit  his  childhood   Freddy changed his name to Kahana.
               home.  “Strangers  were  living  in  the           His first work as an architect in Israel was to
               apartment. I went to my parents’ shop, now         design the cultural centre of his kibbutz. He
               of course under new ownership.  I saw that         worked for thirty-five years in the Planning
               nothing remained. I understood and decided         Department  of  the  Kibbutz  Movement,
               to put it all behind me.”                          together with  architects  like Hanan Havron

               Kahana already knew that his parents, and his      and    Vittorio   Corinaldi,   who    were
               beloved aunt, had been sent to Theresienstadt      kibbutznikim like himself. Kahana prepared
               and  from  there  to  Auschwitz,  where  they      many  plans  for  kibbutzim,  including  living
               were murdered. “I asked myself, if I become        quarters,  educational  and  public  buildings.
               an architect and remain in England, what will      Among  others,  he  designed  the  communal

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