Page 5 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 5

Irgun  Bogrei  Habonim  would  be,  so  I          looking  for  an  even  greater  paid-up
               wonder,  who  these  chaverim  were,  and  for     membership to ensure the continued solvency
               those still with us, maybe we could re-affirm      of all our activities. We have reached half the
               our common bond by again meeting together          target  for  the  digitization  project  and  are
               and sharing our mutual experiences.                looking   forward   to   a   second  day  at   the

                                         1979 – Garin Gimmel at Habonim 50  Reunion

               "We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders       archives in the autumn to get some more of
               of giants. We see more, and things that are        them darn staples out. Please help us up and
               more distant, than they did, not because our       over  the  hill  to  reach  the  final  target.  The
               sight is superior or because we are taller than    infrastructure  for  a  modern  History  of
               they,  but  because  they  raise  us  up,  and  by   Habonim  is  being  laid,  led  by  Stephen
               their great stature add to ours." Adapted from     Kliner.  Following  an  arbitration  under  the
               early texts by the 12th century theologian and     auspices of the then chairman of the Jewish
               author John of Salisbury                           Agency, Bougie Herzog, an agreement for a
                                                                  modus  vivendi  to  work  together  between
               Living  with  Corona  is  also  our  present
               adopted  mission.  The  Iton,  Newsletter  and     Habonim-Dror  Olami  and  the  English-
               International  Zoom  Chugei  Bayit  are  of        speaking movements has been reached. We
               course  not  affected  by  corona  and  have       wish it much success.
               played  an  important  role  in  keeping  us  in
               touch  and  together.  We  are  optimistically     Like  branches  on  a  tree,  we  all  grow  in
               laying  down  the  plans  for  an  overnight       different directions, but our roots remain the
               February/March 2022. Meanwhile a one-day           same. (anon)
               Friday  picnic  and  get  together  for  all
               chaverim and spouses at a National Park is in      Chazak Ve’Ematz,
               the works for October. More chaverim have          Barry Coleman, Chairman
               paid subs this year than in the past, but we are
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