Page 8 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 8

AN EXTRACT FROM A                                  out- my parents opposed it and felt it to be an
                                                                  unsettled time.  They were right, fighting had
               LECTURE I GAVE IN                                  broken out and the group I had wanted to go

               PHILADELPHIA IN 1975                               out  with  spent  six  months  digging  trenches
                                                                  and  queuing  for  water  in  a  besieged
               SYLVIA FLOWERS                                     Jerusalem.

               REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION FROM                     I finally made it in 1950 as a participant of
                                                                  the Jewish Agency Youth Leadership Course.
               “FLORA AND FAUNA”,
               SYLVIA’S AUTOBIOGRAPHY                                              I  spent  six  months  in
               Y                                                                   Hebrew      and    Jewish
                        ou may wonder how did I
                        get  to  Israel  in  the  first
                                                                                   studies, and going on field
                        place?  I am an Israeli by
               choice, not  birth.   I was  born in                                trips, then six months in a
                                                                                   kibbutz.  However,  don’t
               Scotland, my accent is my proof.  I                                 forget  this  was  over  50
               grew  up  there  quite  happily.    It                              years ago and if you think
               was not anti-Semitism that drove                                    that  Israel  is  a  land  of
               me to Israel or a need to change                                    chaos  now,  you  should
               my scene; it was pure and simple                                    have  been  around  then.
               Zionism.                                                            First of all, we were not the

                                                                  only  people  going  to  Israel  in  1950.  The
                                                                  staging  camps  in  the  South  of  France  and
                                                                  Italy were chock-a-block with people who felt
                                                                  they had a better claim to a place on a boat
                                                                  than  we  had.  We
                                                                  spent a few days in
                                                                  a transit camp near
                                                                  Marseilles  mixing
                                                                  with  inmates  from

                1945 Blairgowrie Camp, Scotland, 1945             concentration
                Front, Bert Seltzer. First row, left to right Anna   camps who had, in
                Shur, Wrotz, Sylvia (Polli) Flowers, ?,           the  interim,  spent
                Edinburgh chaver.
                Next row, from left,  Zami Chanahowitz (Adam      years  in  Displaced
                Ben Hanoch), Esther,?,?.                          Persons camps and
                Right back, Nat Rifkind. Back left ?              wandering  around
                                                                  Europe       before   Machon 1950. From left:
                                                                                        Sue Birkenruth, Bradford,
               I was a member of a Zionist Youth Movement         opting  for  Israel.  Sylvia (Polli) Flowers,
               –  Habonim  -  and  while  educating  others  I    There  were  also     Glasgow, Doreen Segal
               found that I had converted myself. My first        Polish  Jews  fleeing
               attempt  to  get  out  to  Israel  in  1948  fizzled   from a new wave of pogroms; they had finally

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