Page 4 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 4

FROM THE CHAIRMAN                                  page)  it  is  fatal  to  begin  to  peek  in  on  the
                                                                  material and to read of times long ago, to see
               BARRY COLEMAN                                                     pictures  of  unrecognized
               “We are travelling in the footsteps,
                                                                                 Who  were  these  chaverim
               Of those that’d come before
                                                                                 “that’d  come  before”?  So
               And we’ll all be reunited                                         many,  sadly,  no  longer  with

               On that new and sunlight shore”                                   us.

                                                                                 It  occurred  to  me  that  those
               T                                                                 1990s  were  themselves  in
                                                                                 writing  for our  ITON in the
                       hus  sang  the  Weavers  at  their
                       reunion  concert  in  Carnegie
                                                                                 their  70s,  80s,  and  even
                       Hall in 1963 as an introduction
                                                                                 nineties. Their stories of the
               to the song “When the Saints Go Marching           pre-WW2 early days of our Movement, the
               In”. As did the late Frank Donnell z”l, taken      Meetings,  the  Hachsharot,  the  pre-war
               from us so suddenly before his time, sing in       reorganization. The war years and after – so
               the  mid-sixties  around  the  campfire  in  the   many  stories  saved  for  posterity  in  our
               back garden of the Glasgow Bayit.
                                                                  magazine (ITON), now merged in with our
                                                                  stories,  right  on  through  to  the  turn  of  the
                                                                  century and beyond.

                                                                  And the recurring theme of concern for the
                                                                  future of Irgun Bogrei Habonim. “Will there
                                                                  be a new generation to keep our association
                                                                  going?” So pleaded the pioneers of the Kfar
                                                                  Blum generation.

               Over the last year I have had the privilege and
               honour to have scanned all the Magazines, -
               ITON – of “Kol (Vatikei) Bogrei Habonim”
               since  the  very  first  publication  in  1994  to
               date. They are all posted on the Irgun Bogrei
               Habonim Drive.
               I say, “privilege and honour” because it has            65  Anniversary Celebration, 1994
               allowed  me  the  opportunity  to  become          I look again at the pictures, and the annual
               familiar with chaverim in whose “footsteps         get-togethers.  Group  after  group,  year  by
               we  are  travelling”.  When  scanning  a           year,  growing  older  and  younger  together.
               magazine (it takes maybe 5 or 6 seconds per        Just  as  they  wondered  what  the  future  of
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