Page 17 - Issue 8
P. 17
Issues Affecting the Jewish World
Jewish family relocation project making progress California, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Arizona,
Massachusetts, Georgia and Florida, among other
By Lance Griffin, October 14, 2008 places. But he also said there was another
common thread running through the families’
Rob Goldsmith has been talking with hundreds of interest in Dothan.
Jewish families across America who have
expressed interest in relocating to Dothan “The thread that runs through it all is a passion
[Alabama] as part of the Blumberg Family Jewish and a love for Judaism,” Goldsmith said. “There is
Community Services of Dothan Family Relocation a longing and a desire to be a part of a
Project. Grants of up to $50,000 are available congregation that feels like an extended family.”
for qualifying families who move to Dothan and
become involved in the local synagogue. Goldsmith said he hopes to finish his phone
conversations with the remaining families soon,
The goal is to find around 20 stable families with then set up visits to their home. The next step,
children who will become the foundation for Goldsmith said, would be for the families to come
reinvigorating the Jewish community in Dothan. to Dothan for a weekend trip.
Goldsmith said he has been hearing from many The final decision for approval would be made by
families across the country hurting financially a committee of people connected with the local
due to the recent economic downturn. His temple.
compassion tells him to help everyone, but he
knows he can’t. “The response has been overwhelming,” Goldsmith
said. “The phrase we keep hearing over and over
“It continues to be trite to always hear that again in connection with Dothan is ‘well kept
people are looking for a fresh start, but they secret.’”
are,” said Goldsmith, responsible for paring down
412,000 web site visits, 1,200 phone calls and e- • Do you agree with Goldsmith’s assessment that
mails and 335 prospect questionnaires to just a the foundation of a strong Jewish community
few promising families. is families with children and a commitment to
However, Goldsmith is more confident than ever • What do you think makes the basis of a strong
that the ambitious project will succeed. In fact,
Jewish community?
he believes the first family to relocate may be in • Is it possible to fabricate a strong Jewish
Dothan by Hanukkah.
community in a place where there are no
affiliated Jews by importing affiliated Jews?
For the past month, Goldsmith has been poring
over the 335 prospect questionnaires. He has • Can we take lessons from this idea when
concluded that 280 did not qualify for various thinking about strengthening/expanding our
reasons. Some were single, some were retirees or movement kenim? i.e., is it possible to create a
empty nesters and did not fit the target profile strong and vibrant ken where one does not
of families with children. Out of the remaining exist, by sending committed madrichim?
55, he has had 90-minute phone conversations
with about half, paring down the list even further We would love to hear your responses to these
for the next step, a weekend visit to their questions – from your perspectives and experiences in
current home. your Jewish communities. Please email us (Sarah and
Anton) at with your thoughts,
Goldsmith said his conversations have made him and we’ll include them in the next issue of the iton!
more aware of the difficult economic times
around the nation. He has talked with families in