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Emily Bock explains what being a Shnat Madricha is all about
Being a shnat madricha is the ultimate hitnasut I am insisting, I must reflect back onto myself.
(experience) of the movement. It demands you In what way is this relevant to me? How would
to put into practice all of the ideals for which my kvutsah respond? Explorations on lessons of
we strive. In the answers, the questions, the love, trust, responsibility, and a whole plethora
advice we offer the kids, in what you build of values ensure that the workings within our
within your tzevet and how much you choose to own kvutsah are undervalued.
influence and educate the future of the Olami
movement. Such an experience directly relates Of course, the tafkid does not end with the
to your life (kvutsah, movement, life in Israel) chanichim. My tzevet (affectionately known as
and reminds you not to take your life for Tzevet Shnatz) was also a place of learning and
granted as the questions you continually ask dealing. We tried here to create an
your chanichim always must reflect back on atmosphere of sharing and caring. Here, it
you. As the movement develops, along side the wasn’t about walking the walk, it was about
shnat program, so too does this tafkid. talking the talk. Logistics were not what
governed our hours together, instead we were
Firstly, I have to speak personally. Being the able to learn together, create a shutafi
madricha of the Australian Chalutz kvutsah in environment where our two movements, and
2005 certainly put me firmly on the hagshama backgrounds were combined. Working
path. While aliyah and kvutsah were always a together, building a process for both Northern
part of my future, the process I underwent America and Britain was something with which
shaped and reshaped my idea of the movement we all wanted to persevere. It was challenging,
(and my place in it), my commitment, bridging the gaps between the two experiences
understanding of my ideology and of course but the outcomes were great and definitely
what it meant to be a madricha. While I was contributed to the process of building up the
not living in a kvutsah in 2005, watching the world movement. The tzevet must be an
shnatties grow and develop, accept and integral part of any messima. We must have a
challenge the ideas we presented them, my platform to formulate ideas and see what kind
process was still developing. The experience of movement we are building. It is also the
with the Brits was again, another opportunity platform to encourage us to develop meaningful
to be a madricha with a deeper understanding; relationships outside the confines of our
a member of the movement, ready to guide kvutsot. That this love, trust and responsibility
chanichim on a certain path. I wanted to be a is to be directed to all people, not just those
madricha that asked my chanichim to see the with whom we are more intimate. The presence
world differently, and to see that the world of such structures in my life has become quite
can be different. the necessity.
If you asked any of the Brits what makes a So what is there to learn from all of this? This
madrich different to a teacher, I’m sure that experience must translate to everything we do;
most of them would say that a madrich both in terms of being a madrich and being a
undergoes reciprocal learning. Whenever you tzevet member. I am learning how to be the
taught, you too were being educated. While questioner, and advisor, a person who can
yes, many times my chanichim taught me things translate my ideas into a language applicable to
I didn’t know, and drew very different the chanichim that I am facing. I want to
conclusions from texts then myself, this idea always see chanichim, whether short term or
of reciprocal learning goes way beyond this. long term, as holistic beings that I can educate
Facing chanichim that are at a different step and influence. In the movement, we are all
in the process, or are just choosing to be on a understanding the important place that
process, makes me think about how I word education needs to play, but it shouldn’t stop at
every question, how do I make these things that understanding. We also must incorporate
relevant to their lives. Such an act reviews all the matters of being a madrich into every
things for myself and ensures that I am still element of our lives, both within the kvutsah,
choosing this path. We educate towards an and also with the world at large.
ideal, sometimes a utopia. For every time that