Page 15 - Iton 4
P. 15

Name:         Fabian Klein          Country of birth: Uruguay
             Kvutsah:      Netanya
             No Name?: For the time being no. Baderech (Hebrew for ‘on
             the way’, which obviously can’t be their name because the
             kvutsah in Ashkelon is called ‘Baderech’!).

             No. of Members: 3 for the time being.  More on the way.

             Date of Aliyah:  21st Dec 2004

             Favourite Socialist / Zionist. Why? Borochov.  I connect with
                                                                                   Fabian picking up in Prague
             him most. I identify with his ideas.

             Funniest Movement Moment: When we were 15 yrs old on machaneh we cut the ropes of the tent
             of a group a year older than us. They had to sleep outside all night in their sleeping bags because
             they had no tent.

             I didn’t know much about Uruguay so I had a look and Wikipedia. Do you know what the
             official motto of Uruguay is? Didn’t know there was one.

             It’s Libertad o Muerte  (Spanish) "Liberty or Death" What do you think about that?
             Ah, Ok, I’ve heard that. It’s not very appropriate. This motto is from a time when it was more
             extreme in Uruguay. Everything is calm now. Everything goes slowly. No one will kill anyone, unless
             an Argentinean shows up!

             Can you suggest a more appropriate alternative?  “Everyone is invited to a bbq ” .

             Wikipedias entry for Uruguay says that it is the second least corrupt country in Latin
             America (after Chile). If it is true it just means that there is loads elsewhere in Latin America!
             You don’t have corruption because no-one has the money for pay-offs.

             What other ‘claims to fame’ can you come up with ? The percentage of women who know how
             to read and write is 95% and there are the same number of cows as people in Uruguay (If asked,
             Fabian will vehemently deny any claims of a correlation between these statistics).

             Current Ringtone: The Champions League tune

             What are you reading right now? Nothing as such. Articles and pamphlets about politics and
             Israeli society and lots of newspapers.

             What music are you listening to right now? The radio station Galgalatz.

             Food you would rather not eat: Vegetables

             Vision for the new Kibbutz Movement…  To influence Israeli society and return it to the values
             from the building of the state and to create a place more equal and just. Starting here in Israel
             (we have our work cut out) and then to the world.

             Tafkid in the movement: Co-ordinator of new Habonim Dror immigrants.
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