Page 14 - Issue 32
P. 14

1:00 PM
               Pizzas are made, lasagnas are prepped, roasted
               veggies for shabbat dinner are roasting, chicken is
               ready to prep…We take a break and eat pizza with
               the rest of camp.

               4:00 PM
               It’s time for kibbud, or snack. The oldest
               chanichimot serve it to the rest of camp - usually
               something simple like fresh fruit or snacks in the
               realm of Oreos and Cheez-Its. But today is
               special. It’s Revo, short for Revolution, where the
               Madatz take over camp and everyone eats like
               kings. One of the Madatz is Rosh Mitbach for the
               day and she has decided to go big with a kibbud
               of homemade cannolis. We hand-strain what feels
               like mountains of ricotta cheese and improvise a
                                                            way to
                                                            pipe the
                                                            filling into
                                                            bags. The
                                                            prep is
                                                            but the
               cannolis taste amazing. We keep leftovers in the
               walk-in fridge for moments of heat and/or stress.
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