Page 13 - Issue 32
P. 13
generally considered a pain. But Covid rules us all.
Breakfast gets out to the pavilion and someone
from the tzevet helps lead the chanichimot
responsible for serving and cleaning up.
9:30 AM
The whole tzevet enters the mitbach, gets music
going, and gets right to work. Fridays are busiest -
we give ourselves time to rest over Shabbat by
prepping pizza lunch, elaborate Shabbat dinner,
and Saturday night lasagna dinner all at the same
time. Pizza in particular is a favorite among the
the weird
pizzas. A
couple of
debate what
to do this
time -
pizza is a
must, the kids go crazy over it. Pickle pizza?
Barbecue sauce instead of marinara? Fresh basil
from our gan? Super spicy pizza with sriracha and
jalapeño peppers? We go for all of the above, with
a couple of classic plain ones for the picky kids.
We always have to keep in mind that some
chanichimot won’t like anything that seems slightly
adventurous (or flavorful at all), so we make sure
there is always an option like plain pizza, plain
pasta, plain rice, you get it.