Page 20 - Issue 25
P. 20

Olimot Corner

                 Olimot Corner is a new column in the Iton where
                 movement members who have recently made Aliyah
                 share their experiences. Our first edition comes from
                 Naomi Tamura, who made Aliyah from HDNA to
                 Kvutzat Maayan in Haifa.

                 The coronavirus pandemic brought on changes to many
                 of our lives. For me, the first of many changes was
                 going from living in a kommuna in Brooklyn, New York
                 with four other members of HDNA’s Mazkirut Artzit to
                 moving back home with my parents in the suburbs of
                 Philadelphia. Aside from the physical change in setting,
                 I by and large stopped living a shitufi lifestyle, no longer
                 lived with some of my chevrei kvutza, and had to adjust
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