Page 13 - Issue 19
P. 13

Dolev maleh, dolev maleh

              By Deborah Secular

              Filling, I am filling
              She gets up at five in the morning

              Because soon there won’t be water

              And there are more buckets that she needs to fill

              Too many, it seems to me, I think that we won’t need all
              of this water
              But maybe tomorrow the water won’t come from the tubes

              Maybe tomorrow, she tells me, I will go to the store to
              buy some bottles, bottles filled with water from
              countries far from here.
              It won’t be enough, of course,

              But how long can a drought last?

              Now the buckets are completely full, but I feel empty, I
              feel bad.
              All of the water in my body moves faster

              Why do they anger me,

              These things that I cannot control?
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