Page 28 - Issue 14
P. 28
The Trouble
With Jews
by James Grant-Rosenhead
Kibbutz Mishol
The trouble with Jews is that we are the few, not the many.
The trouble with Jews is that there are too many of us.
The trouble with Jews is that we are communist leaders.
The trouble with Jews is that we are capitalist leaders.
The trouble with the Jews is that we are leaders.
The trouble with the Jews is that we are followers.
The trouble with Jews is that we are too loud, exaggerating and
making waves.
The trouble with Jews is that we are too quiet, pulling strings
silently behind the scenes.
The trouble with Jews is that we are too poor - filthy, disease
ridden immigrants and refugees.
The trouble with Jews is that we are too rich - conspiratorially
controlling the corridors of power.
The trouble with Jews is that we are all merchants, traders,
money lenders and bankers.
The trouble with Jews is that we are all lawyers, doctors,
psychiatrists and dentists.
The trouble with Jews is that we control Hollywood, from the
film stars, through the directors and producers, to the movie
The trouble with Jews is that we control the media, thereby
brainwashing the masses.