Page 19 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 19

He'd  heard  that  one  of  the  Shlichim  was     youthful Severn bordered our camp-field. We
               someone I knew – he didn't disclose – and I'd      climbed to the summit of the cloud-wreathed
               have a wonderful time. That little cliff-hanger    Wrekin. Well, did that camp toughen me up?
               and  the  fact  that  the  camp  was  to  be  in   And how, it did.
               Shropshire finally convinced me. Shropshire
                                                                  Rehooked  on  Habonim,  I  joined  a  new

                  “The Plugah, Habo choir (as an alto), then, and too prematurely, Hadracha. And what about
                           Tiyulim, Messibot and JNF tree planting drives at doors in Hendon……..”

               was a train-spotter's bonanza.                     Plugah  in  Maida  Vale.  This  time  it  was
                                                                  serious and I could get there easily by bike.
               I wasn't sorry. Jonny was spot on. It was a
               great success and I made new friends. Most         One activity a week soon became three and
               kids were attached to a Plugah somewhere,          more: The Plugah, Habo choir (as an alto),
               but  I  was  listed  as  "unattached"  –  what  a   then,  and  too  prematurely,  Hadracha.  And
               ruddy humiliating categorization, I thought.       what about Tiyulim, Messibot and JNF tree
               Then it turned out that all the Chevre in my       planting drives at doors in Hendon. But guess
               group  were  unattached  too.  Good  social        what… from being a good pupil, I declined
               strategy, and our Madrich was a fabulous hit.      and  sagged  to  near  bottom  of  the  class  –
               On our "free day" I detached myself from my        except  in  French  and  Chemistry.  No
               unattachees,  took  an  old  choo-choo  local      persuasion  or  threat  would  change  matters,
               train  into  Shrewsbury  town,  remained  on       and on I stumbled, barely making it through
               Platform  3  for  three  solid  hours  having  a   O-levels and then A-levels.
               whale  of  a  time  and  got  twenty  engine-      Fast  forward…  Hadracha,  summer  camps,
               number cops. What's more, being in such a          Ve'idot, Israel camp, thrice Rosh Machaneh
               beautiful  rural  setting  converted  me  into  a   and, somewhere betwixt them, three years of
               nature  and  countryside  lover.  A  softly        pharmacy at London University. For
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