Page 14 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 14

decades, our numbers have dwindled, and at         moadonim]  Mike  Arbel  ל"ז  and  Rafi
               the time of writing we are four: myself and        Frankel) and so it is not surprising that Garin
               Hilary     (Naftalin),    Evelyn      Wolff        Vav ended up in Bet HaEmek. The meshek
               (Greenstein) and Naomi Gordon (Bakal).             was in a wave of instability, financially and
               Sadly, we have another four in the cemetery:       socially,  and  there  were  huge  population
               Mike Landes, Ken Gordon, Solly Gillows             changes.  This  situation  was  not  a  good
               and Irene Arbel (Shumar).
                                                                  environment  for  absorbing  a  young  garin
                                                                  from Britain and may partially explain why
                                                                  so many of Garin Vav left the kibbutz within

                                                                  such a short period of time. Also, there was
                                                                  the  huge  difference  between  ideological
                                                                  Zionist aspirations in the magical atmosphere
                                                                  of Habonim in Britain and the harsh reality

                                                                  (heat,  language,  culture,  physical  work,
                                                                  childcare) of everyday life in a kibbutz.

                                                                  Garin  Vav  was  a  very  loose,  amorphous
                      1962 winter Carmarthen Jam Session
                                                                  framework for a Habonim generation, which
               From left – flute-Su Pollard, guitar-Clive Noble,   had  distant  plans  to  live  on  a  kibbutz,  but
                 piano-Joe (Isaacson) Ben Yitzchak, flute-Maurice   unlike other garinim (before and after) lacked
               Blackman (slim), saxaphone-Dave Hyams
                                                                  a solid group identity and was made up of lots
               Below from left – flute-Ada Natani, accordion-Monica   of small social groups unconnected to each

               Freeman) Barzel
                                                                  other. In Bet HaEmek, Garin Vav, as a group,
               I have related up to now to chevrei garin who      dissipated into the public memory of waves
               came to Bet HaEmek or other kibbutzim. Of          of  absorption  (mostly  unsuccessful)  of  the
               course, many chose not to live on kibbutz and      '60s.  However,  Bet  HaEmek  in  the  last
               came  to  town  and  many  others  of  my          decade  has  enjoyed  social,  cultural  and
               Habonim generation eventually made Aliyah          financial   stability   and
               with their families.                               success.  Individually,  all

               Garin Vav was formed to give an organized          Garin  Vav  members  who
               framework to fill in the aliya vacuum after the    stayed  made  a  significant
               very successful aliya of Garin Hey in the '50s.    contribution  to  all  aspects
               Bet HaEmek in the late 50s was in a chaotic        of  kibbutz  life  and  have
               state,  suffering  from  the  massive  Achdut      earned  high  respect  and
               Avoda/Mapai  political  split,  which  literally   regard in the community.
               divided  the  kibbutz  population.  In  order  to   The garin has had two very
               strengthen the social and work fabric of the       successful  reunions,  both
               kibbutz,  the  kibbutz  movement  sent  five       held  at  Bet  HaEmek,  the
               shlichim  to  Britain,  to  work  in  Habonim      first in 1981 after 20 years
               (Henry Near ל"ז , Boris Bernstein ל"ז, Sam         – a long time ago, I can't      Joe Ben Yitzchak
               Israelstam  ל"ז  [who  helped  to  purchase        remember if anyone came from outside of Israel –
                                                             14   and the second in 2011 after 50 years
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