Page 23 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 23

A  CENTURY-OLD  DREAM  OF                          Development  Co.  in  Karkur  and  adjacent
                                                                  Rabia. Company directors had already gone
               ALIYAH                                             to Palestine, bringing with them army huts, a

                                                                  tractor,  various  tools  and  agricultural
               HAROLD STERNE                                      implements. A large tract of land was leased
                                                                  to nearby Arabs for farming, and a nursery of
               REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION FROM                     4,000  olive  and  1,600  almond  trees  was
               THE  EDINBURGH  STAR,  ISSUE  88,                  purchased. After boring a well 22 meters into
               SEPTEMBER           2020,       P.      18.        the  soil,  the  property  finally  yielded  3,000
                      gallons of good fresh water.
               ue/no-88/                                          The First London Achuzah Company's 1920
               M               family                                 Annual Report of September 1, (exactly
                          y  grandfather's
                                                                      100  years  ago)  reported  the  colony's
                                                                      costs,  including  new  buildings,  iron
                          planned to make                             works,  pumps,  horses,  olive,  almond,
               Aliyah  in  the  1920s  —                              and  eucalyptus  trees  to  drain  the
               exactly  100  years  ago  —                            swamps,  plus  expenses  for  barley  and
               with the intention of settling                         wheat as well as labour and management
               in  a  small  kfar  near                               costs.  The  Report  sums  up  the
               Binyamina  named  Karkur.                              company's  progress  by  stating:  "The
               This is the story of Scottish                          Directors think that the shareholders will
               and  other  British  religious                         feel satisfied with the start made on their
               Jews whose intense desire to live in the Holy      behalf and... that very shortly the Colony will
               Land  led  them  to  found  institutions  that     be sufficiently developed to receive all those
               would  purchase  land,  sign  up  potential        members who are prepared to go and make
               pioneering  families  and  brush  aside  all       their permanent home there”.
               obstacles to their goal of Aliyah.

               My grandparents Harris and Hannah Simon
               left  Lithuania  in  1906  and  settled  in
               Edinburgh.  Like  many  other  transplanted
               Lithuanian Jews, they dreamed of settling in
               Palestine.  Fortunately,  their  dream  was
               shared by others in Edinburgh, London, and
               other  cities.  These  pioneers-to-be  formed  a
               limited liability company, The First London
               Achuzah Company, to buy land and create a
               farming community in the Land of Israel.

               By  1920,  The  First  London  Achuzah
               Company had already authorised 2000 shares         Karkor – Early Days – photo: Gili Chaskin
               at  £25  each  and  had  brought  in  £25,000,
               purchasing  land  from  the  Palestine  Land

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