Page 17 - Issue 9
P. 17

Sydney, Australia:
          From Georgia Snow, Federal Rosh Chinuch, based in Sydney: For the
          Rabin commemoration in Sydney, we held a senior beyachad peula              Frankfurt, Germany:
          (years 9 ‐12). Our main aim of the peula was to not just to                 From Orly Raibstein,
          commemorate Rabin as a person, P.M or soldier, but more so, to              Madricha in Frankfurt
          look at the issues that his death raised; issues that can relate to us      snif: On November 8th
          and our society now. We started the peula with a video of Rabin and         we, the ZJD, decided to
          his life, followed by a museum of articles and pictures for chanichim       dedicate the day to
          to read about who he was, some of his major achievements, and his           Itzchak Rabin, since the
          life and his assassination. We then split off into small 'intellectual      memorial day of his
          chuggim' groups where chanichim could choose to look at issues              assassination took place
          such as democracy and violence, incitement and hatred, the secular          in the previous week. We
          and religious divide, how different groups commemorate Rabin, and           decided to prepare the
          the controversy that surrounds Yigal Amir today.                            Chanichim in different
          We ended the peula with a small tekes.                                      Peulot. My Peula, for
                                                                                      instance (I have Kvutza
                                                                                      Garinim, age 12‐14),
                                                                                      consisted of the
                                                                                      confrontation with the
                                                                                      question of who we
                                                                                      define as Zionist.
                                                                                      After Peula we had a
                                                                                      Mifkad, during which we
                                                                                      summed up the results of
                                                                                      the Peulot and held a
                                                                                      memorial ceremony.
                                                                                      After Mifkad, when we
                                                                                      normally have Chugim,
                                                                                      we had a Kumsitz and
                                                                                      sang songs like Shir
                                                                                      Lashalom. Our Shlicha
                                                                                      Nomi told the Chanichim
                                                                                      in her perspective how
                                                                                      she saw the assassination,
                                                                                      since she had been there.
                                                                                      All in all it was a very
                                                                                      emotional and
                                                                                      informative day, which
                                                                                      gave the Chanichim and
                                                                                      also us, the Madrichim, a
                                                                                      deeper understanding
                                                                                      about the background of
                                                                                      the assassination.
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