Page 16 - Issue 9
P. 16
Habonim Dror Commemorates Yitzhak Rabin All Around the World
Perth, Australia:
From Danni Laitt, Perth Rosh Chinuch: The Rabin tekes was a joint initiative of Habonim Dror, Bnei Akiva,
Netzer and AUJS. It was really exciting to run a community event on such a controversial issue in co‐
operation with all the movements. A lot of preparation went into the tekes, and I felt like Habo had a
really strong voice in those proceedings, and this was emphasized by the sea of blue shirts at the tekes
We decided on a different (and more youth‐movement oriented) structure for the tekes. It started with
the traditional candle lighting/poem reading/speeches etc., but then we broke into 'workshop' groups,
led by mixed groups of madrichim from all the movements.
The topic for the workshop was ' the boundaries of Israeli democracy' and some really thought‐provoking
discussions were had. A real cross‐section of the community was present, very young to very old,
religious, non‐religious etc, so people had interesting things to offer.
At our regular Habo meetings in the afternoon, all shchavot from year 3 through year 11 had peulot on
Rabin; covering issues such as incitement to hatred, freedom of speech, and conflict resolution.
Chicago, USA:
From Yaniv Gal, Chicago shaliach: We planned an
activity based on the material posted on the Habonim
Dror website (photos, discussions and the reading
parts), by taking groups of public high school kids from
different schools in Chicago and CJHS (Chicago Jewish
High School). I was one of the leaders and planners of
the day and led the discussion in the groups and the
singing part in the tekes. The feedback was great and it
was a great exposure to HDNA through a very
important educational aspect that not a lot of Jewish
American young adults are fully aware of.