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EDITORIAL                                                    Contents

             Wow!  Get  ready  to  be  amused,

             engaged,  enthralled  and  thoroughly
             entertained.  Welcome  to  the  new
                                                                Meet Renata Kibrit
             issue  of  Iton  Habonim  Dror,  so  good

             that PDF in this instance is short for             P4.
             Pretty Damn Fine.                                  Tikkun Leil Shavuot

             We  get  to  meet  bogrim/ot  of  the              P5.
             movement, young and old. The familiar              Meet Abe Chiswick & Yediot
             columns of Yediot and Vatikim are all
             here,  and  an  exciting  new  column              P6-7.
                                                                May Day 2007.
             called Randomim Dror!

             As    a    ‘movement      that     moves’,
                                                                Meet Tommy Amit in our Vatikim section
             prodigious  developments  lead  us  to
             both  growth  and  change  as  a  tnuat            P9.
             bogrim of Habonim Dror in Israel. Two              Jamie Beran looks at Cultural Judaism in

             phrases  spring  to  mind  when  I  think          HDNA
             about the relationship between them:
             Change  is  inevitable,  growth  is                The Hachshara farm in Australia

                                                                Meet  Ari  Levy  &  our  new  section
             This  signifies  the  thought  and  action
                                                                Randomim Dror
             which    is   behind     the    sustained

             flourishing of this movement of ours.              P12.

                                                                Emily Bock on being a Shnat Madricha
             The cyclical nature of it all is summed
             up by the following:                               P13-14.
                                                                The    Darfur    genocide    by    Hannah
             The  changes  we  make  lead  to  growth           Weisfeld
             and this growth leads to more changes
             which leads to more growth…                        P15
                                                                Meet Fabian Klein

             Please     send      any     suggestions,
             corrections,       contributions       and
                                                                James  Grant-Rosenhead  on  the  Tnuat
             retributions to                                    Bogrim

             Aleh Ve'hagshem,

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