Page 7 - Issue 32
P. 7
Summer at Dfus Dror
By Yasaf Warshai
This summer Dfus Dror - Dror Israel's very own
movement owned and operated printing house - was
hard at work keeping the movement running. Our tzevet
of six was in action all summer in the basement of Beit
Brenner, printing everything from flyers and postcards to
texts and photographs, cutting stickers and posters and
binding books. Movement printing dates back to the day
of the Warsaw Ghetto, where the ghetto fighters printed
flyers and posters disseminating information and calling
on Jews to resist the Nazis, and we are proud to carry on
the tradition of getting out the written word to the
movement masses and beyond.
Movement members place orders through our online
ordering system, and we print for them according to their
specifications. The summer is one of the busiest times of
year for the dfus, as we print nearly all the resources for
all of the movement's largest seminars -- Seminar
Madatzim, Seminar Hachsharot, Seminar Chavot, and
more. Every peulah sheet that a Madrich read off of,
every flyer handed out to a potential chanich at school to
invite them to sign up, and every choveret of movement
texts or speeches from years past used as a learning
resource this summer was made possible by our work in
the dfus. This summer was particularly intense for us as
things opened up slightly in the wake of COVID
vaccinations and the movement saw unprecedented