Page 6 - Issue 32
P. 6

Yitzhak Rabin – Memory & Accountability

             October 18 (Yud-Bet B’Cheshvan) is the
             Memorial Day of the Assassination of
             Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. 26
             years ago, Rabin was shot and killed at a
             peace rally in Tel Aviv by a Jewish Israeli
             who was fueled by violent incitement.

             In the movement we tell the story of Rabin’s life and murder
             in a process called cheshbon - accountability - v’zikaron -
             and memory. We remember to honor and commemorate
             the life of an important Zionist leader and so we don’t forget
             the brutal, undemocratic incitement conducted against him.
             We remember to hold ourselves accountable as people who
             educate towards a just, democratic Israeli society - we
             cannot let something like this happen again.

             Suggestions for ways to educate through cheshbon
             v’zikaron in the youth movement:

                •  Younger chanichimot - Go through Rabin’s life story,
                    learning about him and Zionism in general through
                    major dilemmas he faced. Here’s a peula with this!
                •  Older chanichimot - Use the story of Rabin’s murder
                    as the backdrop for why we need democratic ways of
                    disagreeing with each other. Here’s a peula from
                    Pardes Institute about Jewish ways of disagreeing
                    and dealing with conflict!
                •  Bogrimot/Maapilimot - Screen the movie
                    “Incitement” (on Amazon Video), which tells the story
                    of the man who assassinated Rabin and raises a lot
                    of interesting questions about where to draw the line
                    when you disagree with your leaders’ political
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