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Timeline of Land Reform Events:

                              May 12, 2009:                      May 31, 2009:         June 6, 2009:
                     Knesset subcommittee to deal with ILA       Coalition             JNF
                    reform issues (a subcommittee created
                     under the auspices of the Economic          against Land          Directorate in
                                                                 Privatization in
                                                                                       Israel accepted
                    Affairs Committee) passed the ILA Land
                     Reform bill, making it a government         Israel formed to      the land swap
                                                                 fight land
                    proposal; their first step in making this
                     proposal into law was adding it as a sub-   reform                with the State
                                                                                       of Israel
                    clause in the Economic Arrangements
                    Law (Chok Hahesderim), a budgetary bill
                    pertaining to the 2009-10 budget.
                         June 14, 2009:                 June 17, 2009:              June 18, 2009:
                      Original date of land-         JNF General Assembly          JNF General
                      swap vote scheduled for        delegates from the            Assembly
                      JNF General Assembly           Diaspora arrived in           members start
                      members (this vote was         Israel, in time for the       discussion on land
                      postponed due to a             JNF General Assembly          swap agreement;
                      court ruling stating that      conference                    vote on this issue
                      the vote could not be                                        is postponed to
                      held before the majority          June 17, 2009:             allow more
                      of the delegates were to       Land reform bill              discussion.
                      arrive in Israel).             passed first reading in
                                                     the Knesset

                        June 23, 2009:                        June 24, 2009:                 June 25, 2009:
                  JNF General Assembly             Three petitions filed at Regional Court in   Temporary
                  members vote on land swap        Jerusalem:                               injunction issued
                  agreement.                       •  Tzofiya Diamant-Yosef, Kadima JNF     by Jerusalem
                  One Israeli (Kadima) delegate,      General Assembly delegate – claiming   Regional court
                  acting as a proxy voter for 12      she made a mistake while voting       against finalizing
                  additional Diaspora delegates,   •  Uri Bank, JNF directorate member –    an agreement
                  was confused by the English         against general conduct of directorate   between JNF
                  ballots and accidentally voted      members regarding agreement’s         and the State,
                  “abstain” instead of “against”      approval, and legality of agreement   until the main
                  with her 13 votes; land             made                                  petition (Uri
                  agreement therefore passed,      •  Avi Widerman – Kadima JNF General     Bank’s) is ruled
                  with a vote of 62 to 55, with       Assembly delegate, regarding the way   on; this
                  13 abstentions (if she had          that the ‘secret’ ballots were handled   injunction was
                  voted ‘against’, the proposal       (delegates had to write down their    then renewed on
                  would have failed, 68 to 62)        names on their ballots)               July 26, 2009.

                     July 19, 2009:               July 20, 2009:                     July 22, 2009:
                    Rally of around      Date originally scheduled for second   Scheduled vote for second
                    650 people held      and third Knesset readings of land     and third Knesset readings
                    outside the          reform bill, which would privatize up   of the proposed reform;
                    Knesset;             800,000 dunam (800 square km; the      Bibi withdrew the reform
                    movement             original bill did not limit the amount   from the floor in fear that it
                    members were         of land that could be sold) of Israeli   would be voted down; it is
                    joined by MKs to     land; the vote was delayed because of   not yet known when the
                    oppose the reform.    opposition’s filibuster tactics.      vote on it will be scheduled.
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