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on the idea of relying on the generosity of wealthy Jewish elites to foot the bill, since they would
then expect to dictate the society’s policies and character, thereby precluding the Jewish masses
from being able to come to Israel and actively shape and create their own new society. Thus,
Herzl’s opening words to the fifth Zionist Congress in
Basel 1901 were as follows: “Philanthropic colonization
did not succeed, but national colonization will. The
Jewish nation will not just be the founders, but will also
be the permanent owners of this physical asset [the land]
for eternity. In this way, individuals will not be able to
JNF “blue boxes”
use the property for their own personal wishes in
manners that do not coincide with the intentions of the founders. We must ensure that in the
future this asset will be looked after with the greatest of care, and that it be used cautiously and
frugally, more than with might and daring.”
Herzl’s words inspired the creation of the Keren Kayemet L’Israel (KKL), known in English as the
Jewish National Fund (JNF), at that Congress. The JNF was to be the monetary fund that would
allow each simple Jew, anywhere in the world, to put money towards buying land in Israel, penny
by penny, in ‘blue boxes’ which became a staple in every Jewish community building and in many
Jewish homes. The JNF has been an important institution of the Jewish People ever since it was
created, by dealing with the physical land that would allow the Zionist vision to become a reality
– buying land, developing it, and now, in our era, establishing nature preserves and water
purification facilities on it. Berl Katznelson said the following about the creation of the JNF: “And
in that grand and historic moment, the founding moment of the Jewish National Fund, National
Providence did not betray us, it managed the legislative hand that chiseled this aim into the
tablets: Redemption of the land as an eternal home for the Jewish people. In the creation of the
working Yishuv, we require participation of the individual and the public. The nation must give
the land to the worker. It must be given not
Basic Laws in Israel
as a gift and not entirely as a sale, but
The first Knesset was elected before the end of the
rather lent to him – in order that the
War of Independence. It dealt with a good deal of
worker can utilize it through all of his
original legislation and the amendment of laws,
working days and all of the working days
orders and regulations left over from the British
of his sons after him.” Mandatory period.
This Zionist principle was made into law The first Knesset adopted a resolution regarding the
preparation of a constitution for the state, chapter
in 1960, with the Basic Law: Israel Lands,
by chapter, which would be in the form of Basic
which states as follows: “The ownership of
Laws. A formalized constitution was never created,
Israel lands, being the lands in Israel of the due mainly to problems that emerged against the
State, the Development Authority or the background of the clash between a secular
Keren Kayemet LeIsrael [JNF], shall not be constitution and the Halacha (the Jewish religious
transferred either by sale or in any other
manner.” The Israel Lands Administration Thus, the Basic Laws form the basis for all laws in
the State of Israel.
(ILA) was formed following this law, to
jointly administer State lands and JNF