By Nathan Brown, HDOZ Boger, Rakaz of Young Olimot in Hechalutz

"Our family was destroyed, and this stands on the agenda of our veida. Destroyed and can continue to be destroyed. Between Aktzia and Aktzia there is a pause, and we are not at the end of an extermination but rather between Aktziot. Did we hear this? Did the nation hear this? Has Judaism, Zionism heard this? We need to hear, because they testified about this."

By Matan Levi, Workshop/Shnat Shorashim Madricha, MBI Madricha 2023 and Mosh Shlicha 2022

My name is Matan, I'm from Dror Israel in Kvutzat Nissan. We live in Hadera which from the start of the war didn't get any sirens or anything of that kind, it's kinda quiet here and can be weird sometimes given everything that's going on.

By James Grant-Rosenhead, HDUK Boger and member of Kibbutz Mishol

The 2 supermarkets I went to here in the last few days were jam packed. Russian speakers, Palestinian Muslims, Palestinian Christians, Ultra-Orthodox Jews - we have them all in our neighbourhood, and they are all stocking up, big time. It is tense and intense - like everyone is both simultaneously horrified and terrified by what has happened but also everyone is fearful about the possibility of the war to come in the North, with Hezbollah…

 By Dahlia Rosenthal, HDNA Kvutzat 72

It feels like my life is a distraction from what is going on in Israel and Gaza. There are the tears and the fears that I face, and everything else feels like a dull performance, an impersonation of my life. 

By Bryce Kenny, HDOZ Boger, madrich at Eshbal Youth Village

I’ve been trying to keep as busy as I can. Any time I don’t do something active I get sucked into social media and hard feelings. Here are some things I’ve been doing in Carmiel:

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