By Ari Egar, HDNA Bogeret, Shlicha to Gesher 2022-2023

Letter to the Gesher Community and beyond:

I am safe. At the start of the war on Saturday, I was sleeping in my hotel room in Krakow before leaving to enjoy my best friend’s wedding ceremonies. I woke up to a never-ending series of Red Alerts on my phone indicating sirens to seek shelter across the south of Israel, and a seemingly equal amount of texts from friends and family reporting their location and trying to figure out how to get back up north where it was safer. I learned that a large number of my cousin’s friends attended the trance festival outside of Kibbutz Re’im and were reported killed or missing. I learned that Vivian Silver, an HDNA bogeret, was abducted and taken into Gaza.

By Anton Marks, HDUK Boger, Tzevet Iton, member of Kibbutz Mishol in Nof HaGalil

Last night was the first time I've left the building since Shabbat. The furthest I'd been until then was to empty the bin.

I spent Saturday and Sunday glued to the news, and have since eased off a little since it's not been good for my health.

I can't really put into words the catastrophe that has befallen my people and my country - it's beyond comprehension - the world, my world, will never be the same again.

I'm truly touched by the many people that have reached out to check in on me. It's hard to convey much more than "I'm safe, for now, but not ok.” 

Israel is in a state of trauma. Unfathomable trauma.

By Adina Teibloom, made aliyah with HDNA Bogrimot, Madricha at Mitzpeh Ramon Youth Village

I was in Yafo when the rocket fire started and rushed to the safe room where we were staying. We turned on the TV and were just shocked. Since then we traveled home to Mitzpeh Ramon, where there are almost never rocket attacks or sirens. The drive was a bit harrowing, though we did not encounter any sirens or make any stops. Once getting to Mitzpeh we said goodbye to our friends who were called up as reservists. In my normal life I am the madricha for a kvutzah in a boarding school in Mitzpeh so for the first two days I mostly worried about them and called to check in on them. 

By Adam Levi, HDNA Boger, Rakaz of Hechalutz

Wanted to let everyone abroad know that I am currently safe at home in Akko. All of us in the north are currently watching the developments on the border with Lebanon with restless anticipation, hoping and praying that another front to this war will not be opened. The situation here is infuriating and devastating and I could probably fill a book with all of my thoughts on what is going on here. However, for now, there is one thing I feel I need to share.

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