Page 44 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 44
The Habonim-Dror Archive at Yad Tabenkin
The archive at Yad Tabenkin ( the United Kibbutz Movement ) has been offered a matching grant
from the Israeli Ministry of Jerusalem and National Heritage, to scan and publish material from the
chalutzic youth movements. That is, for every shekel we can provide, the foundation will match with
a shekel. We have made an estimate of the cost of digitization of all our Habonim Dror UK material,
which will cost in the region of 100,000 NIS, that is, we would need to find 50,000 NIS. Therefore
we are looking for donations.
We are very happy to announce that the first donation has been received from a Boger Habonim, of
the Garin Zayin Generation, to the sum of 3,600 NIS, and we are hoping, in traditional Movement
fashion, that this will act as a personal example for others to follow.
It is with great pride that we wish not only to preserve our Movement heritage, but also, by making it
available through modern information technology, to see this heritage as a spring board for future
generations to be inspired to engage with issues facing modern Israeli Society.