Page 3 - Issue 8
P. 3
Together with Yitzhak Zuckerman, Mordechai
Tennenbaum edited Yediot, the journal of the
YEDIOT Dror movement in the Warsaw ghetto.
Early September: Chazon seminars for the new mazkiruyot of United Kingdom, North America,
and Holland. Chazon (meaning vision) seminars occur annually at the beginning of a new mazkirut
term, to bring the mazkirut tzevet together in Israel to develop their vision for their country’s
movement for the upcoming year, and define and strengthen their tzevet relationships. These
three seminars were run separately, but there was some overlap wherein the mazkiryot could
discuss commonalities and running joint projects.
October 15-17: Tiyul Yam el Yam. Every year, shnatties take part in a hike/camping trip from
the Mediterranean Sea to the Kinneret, during Sukkot. This year, shnatties from South Africa,
Australia, New Zealand, North America, and United Kingdom participated in the tiyul. In
addition, the Tzevet Techni that staffed the tiyul was made up of a large number of new olim
from around the world. The tiyul was a wild success for everyone who took part in it.
November: Commemoration of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. The Atzeret Rabin (Rabin
rally) in Israel will be held Saturday evening, November 8, and will bring people together that
want to commemorate and celebrate the life and legacy of Yitzhak Rabin, and strive for a
peaceful and democratic Israel. All Habonim Dror chanichim and bogrim currently in Israel will
be at the atzeret. During the following week, various tekasim will be held in Habonim Dror kenim
around the world.