Page 24 - Issue 32
P. 24

didn’t really think
                                                   about it before, but
                                                   when I got there I
                                                   realized I was
                                                   suddenly on tzevet
                                                   with all of my past
                                                   chanichimot, who are
                                                   now amazing
                                                   madrichimot. And it
                                                   was so magical to be
                                                   back at machaneh,
                                                   one of the most
                                                   special places in the
                                                   world to me.

                                                    Still, it was a very
                                                   challenging summer.
                                                   It was hard for the
                                                   chanichimot to adjust
                 to machaneh after spending so much time alone or
                 with their families. And because camp didn’t open the
                 summer before, due to Covid, a lot of the tzevet had
                 very little or no experience, so they were learning as
                 we went. Plus, for the first month or so we had to
                 enforce a lot of rules about staying in cohorts and
                 wearing masks. As a result, the summer felt really
                 special and important, even though and even because
                 there were so many challenges. It felt really important
                 for the chanichimot to have a space where they could
                 make friends and have fun. The classic machaneh
                 experiences, like going to the river, or on tiyul, or the
                 madatzim kicking out the madrichimot for their day-
                 long revolution, felt renewed in their importance as
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