Page 5 - Issue 21
P. 5
Name: Assafalafagas Rothman
Tafkid in the movement: Rosh
Chinuch and Rosh Madatzimot
Years in the movement: 10 Years
Favourite socialist/zionist: My Parents!!
Funniest movement moment: My first year being a
Madrich on Summer Camp, I had to do a pre walk
of the camp hike. Kedem, Tamar and I walked into a
paddock filled with heaps of intrigued cows, which
then lead us to sprinting and jumping the closest
fence we could find!
Current ringtone: "ding"
Food you would rather not eat: Olives
What are you reading right now: Piano sheet music!
What music are you listening to right now: Jack
Johnson, Cat Stevens, All Day and Eliezer.
Vision for HDANZ: Improved and engaging online