Page 3 - Issue 21
P. 3
Chag Purim sameach!
It is totally bizarre to celebrate Purim, the holiday
where we are literally commanded to celebrate
together, during a pandemic. While quarantine
has its benefits (like fewer people to see me as
growing out my hair reaches awkward stages), it
is sad not to get together with friends and
community in the ways we are used to.
For me, Purim is a holiday about heroes - Vashti
the feminist icon, Esther who saved her people,
Mordechai who refused to apologize for who he
was. This year I’m inspired by Mordechai and
Esther’s resilience. When the going got tough
they stayed true to themselves and honed their
sense of purpose, truly showing us what it looked
like to take responsibility for the Jewish people.
I hope for us that this year of pandemic has kept
us asking ourselves how to be responsible for our
communities, for our chanichimot, for people in
need. I know from reading the Iton that so many
of you are doing amazing things. Know that
you’re not alone - you only need to look as far as
the Iton to see you are part of something
worldwide and continually relevant.