Page 18 - Issue 21
P. 18
is the movement. It is here that chanihimot and
madrichimot of all ages from all over Israel and
the world gather to learn and to work. If Ravid is
the heart of a dream, the dream of kehilat kehiliot,
of a community of communities, Haifa is where
the movement works to actualize its ideals. The
beauty of our shnat was to walk in the path of the
actualization that exists in this Israeli movement.
We felt the celebration of ideals that Ravid
represents; we lived them in Haifa.
Wherever we went we were greeted warmly by
members of the movement both Olim and Sabras
and rarely did a day pass that we did not see a
chultza. People on the streets would shout
encouragement and praise of Hanoar Haoved and
total strangers would come to us and tell us about
their involvement with the ken when they were
kids and how much it meant to them to see the
movement alive and well. The passion of the
people around us and the knowledge that there
was a whole movement at home rooting for us
and watching eagerly for our next instagram post
made every experience that much more special.
This is a third beauty we realized; the beauty of
inclusion in the Jewish society we wanted that we
talked about building.
We have questions. We believe in self-
determination for ourselves, as Jews, and for
Palestinians. We acknowledge the fact of
occupation, and condemn those responsible for
its perpetuation and the suffering of Palestinians in
their land. Not only does that oppression cut deep