Page 23 - Issue 17
P. 23

young age and her desire to connect herself to her
               history and people in the seemingly small ways (like
               her struggles with Hebrew) and in the more obvious

               and life changing ways (like her choice to parachute
               into Nazi-occupied Europe).

               Funniest Movement Moment: When I was 17 years
               old, I got trapped on a racoon-infested island with

               my kvutza during our Madatz summer tiyul. It's
               funny now, but I wouldn't have wanted to be our
               madrichot at the time.

               Current Ringtone: Silent

               Food you would rather not eat?: Sushi (even
               though I grew up in Vancouver, Canada!)

               What are you reading right now: Becoming by
               Michelle Obama

               What music are you listening to right now? Idan

               Vision for the new Kibbutz Movement: I hope that
               we can continue to work towards building a just and

               egalitarian society in Israel that includes as many
               different kinds of people as possible.
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