Page 5 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 5

FROM THE CHAIRMAN                                  Vatikei  Habonim,  even  though  many
                                                                  thankfully  are  still  involved,  and  a
               BARRY COLEMAN,                                     welcoming of the new, younger chaverim.

               KIBBUTZ AMIAD                                      The 90th event also energised a whole cadre
                                                                  of  chaverim  into  activity  and  involvement.
                                                                  Although I personally, together with Coral,
                                                                  may take credit for preparing and editing the
                                                                  6 newsletters since the 90th celebrations, they
                                                                  would not have found the light of day without
                                                                  the input of many chaverim, covering a wide
                                                                  range of generations and topics.

                     halom Chaverim,

                     With apologies to Carole King: We’ve
                     seen fire (the kitchen tent ablaze again)
               and  we've  seen  rain
               (flooded out, a night in the
               local church hall). We've
               also  seen  sunny  days
               when  we  believed  that
               our  youth  would  never                           Similarly,  the  Zoom  International  Chugei
                                                                  Bayit  –  parlour  meetings:  Everyone
               Undoubtedly,  the  90th                            approached was willing to  participate. This
               Anniversary  Celebration  was  a                   involved a wide range of involvement from
               watershed  in  the  life  of  Irgun  Bogrei        chaverim  of  many  generations  on  many
               Habonim,  bringing  together  newer  and           topics. A team of chaverim are promoting the
                                                                  YOUR  STORY  IS  OUR STORY theme to
                                                                  document our heritage as personal testimony.

                                                                  This,  of  course,  includes  you.  We  are
                                                                  considering  creating  an  online  resource
               younger generations of Bogrim. In a sense, it      (Google  Drive?)  of  the  material  we  are
               was  a  farewell  to  our  older  chaverim  of     publishing in the Newsletters and Iton. The

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