Page 15 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - September 15
P. 15
Succah construction began. The children are still formal request has been made to the Israel
all involved in the preparation of Succah Football Association to allow those players who
decorations, with hand-made garlands and wanted to do so to wear a Kippah during the game.
decoration so that – by the time Chag commences However, this runs against the FIFA (soccer's
– the sukkot are well-decorated with fruits and world administrative body) edict that there is no
branches and other aspects of nature, as well as place for religious symbolism on the field,
the "made in China" decorations!” whether it is Kippot or Turbans or anything else. I
presume that it also forbids Islamic women
CONSTRUCTION WORKERS playing with their usual clothes that reveal only
Again, referring to our Palestinian neighbours, I the eyes!! With reference to Kippot, how can a
am convinced – from my politically-left stance – player not feel restricted when attempting to head
that the continued (and continuous) frenetic the ball? Oh, by the way, FIFA are rescinding the
building activities in the occupied territories serve headwear rule!
only to ensure that the so-called "two state
solution" will never be realized. I expect that our
Palestinian counterparts would concur with that In conclusion, I note that the six topics covered
statement. And yet, who is actually doing the somehow focus on two issues where the Divide in
building in those areas? The Palestinian Israel is ever-present and, unfortunately,
construction workers!! At the same time that they increasing. Firstly Israeli citizens, together with
will demonstrate against the building activities, many Jews of the Diaspora, cannot remain
their economic reality dictates that, in order to apathetic to the so-called Peace Process or to the
feed and clothe their families, they must accept question of what sort of regional or cooperative
any available work and what is most available is future there will be between Palestinians and
construction. Israelis; the possibilities range from armed
struggle and continued occupation to economic
FOOTBALL & RELIGION cooperation between two States for two Peoples.
Football (soccer) is still the most popular sport in The second issue is whether we face a
Israel although our standards and performance in strengthening of the symbiosis of State and
international situations haven't given any reason Religion or whether the influence of religion will
for celebration. Probably as part of the general return to being more of an individual choice and
shift towards religion that is felt in the country, a
less of an imposition.
Got to keep trying!