Page 29 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 29
Yitzhak Zuckerman (December 13, 1915 – in battle, he nonetheless proved a crucial link
June 17, 1981), also known by his nom de between resistance forces within the ghetto and
guerre "Antek", was one of the leaders of the Home Army on the "Aryan" side. Along
the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943 with Simcha "Kazik" Rotem, he organized the
against Nazi Germany during World War II. escape of the surviving ZOB fighters through the
sewers to safety. During the later Warsaw
Zuckerman was born in Vilnius, partitioned
Poland (then part of the Russian Empire, now Uprising of 1944, he led a small troop of 322
the capital of Lithuania) into a Jewish family. As survivors of the Ghetto Uprising as they fought
a young man he embraced the concepts the Germans in the ranks of the Home Army.
of socialism and Zionism. After the war he worked as part of
the Bricha network, whose operatives smuggled
After the German and Soviet invasion of
Poland in 1939 he was in the area overrun by Jewish refugees out of Eastern and Central
the Red Army and initially stayed in the Soviet Europe to Mandate Palestine. In 1947 he himself
zone of occupation, where he took an active part made that journey, settling in what would soon
in the creation of various Jewish underground be Israel. There he and his wife Zivia, along with
socialist organisations. In the spring of 1940 he other veterans of the ghetto undergrounds and
moved to Warsaw, where he became a leader of former partisans, were among the founding
the leaders of the Dror Hechalutz youth members of Kibbutz Lohamei HaGeta'ot and
movement, along with his future wife Zivia the Ghetto Fighters' House (GFH) museum
Lubetkin. located on its grounds, commemorating those
who struggled against the Nazis. GFH has a
In 1941 he became the deputy commander of the study center named for Zivia and Yitzhak
Jewish Fighting Organization. (Zydowska Zuckerman.
Organizacja Bojowa) ŻOB resistance
organisation. In this capacity, he served mainly In 1961 he appeared as a witness at the trial of
as the envoy between the commander of ŻOB Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Israel. He
and the commanders of the Polish resistance died in 1981, in the kibbutz he had founded.
organizations of Armia Krajowa and Armia A record of a lengthy interview he gave in 1976
Ludowa. On December 22, 1942, he and two was expanded into the book Sheva ha-Shanim
accomplices attacked a café in Kraków that was ha-Hen: 1939-1946 [Hebrew: Those Seven
being used by the SS and Gestapo. Zuckerman Years] published in Israel in 1991, later
was wounded and narrowly escaped, and his two translated into English and published as A
comrades were tracked down and killed. Surplus of Memory: Chronicle of the Warsaw
Ghetto Uprising.
In 1943, he was working on the "Aryan" side
of Warsaw to procure guns and ammunition His granddaughter Roni Zuckerman became
when the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising erupted. the Israeli Air Force's first female fighter pilot.
Unable to enter the ghetto to join his comrades