Page 2 - Issue 9
P. 2

EDITORIAL                                                         Contents


       Chanukah is a time for examining both our dedication                Editorial
       (the literal meaning of the word Chanukah) and our
       education (retelling of the Chanukah narrative).                    P3-5.
                                                                           Entering the Israeli Election
       “But dedication to what?” we ask ourselves. “To our                 Season
       values, of course”. We take this opportunity to talk
       with our chanichim about the historical account of                  P6.
       the fight for freedom because we want to be                         Wordsearch. Winner announced
       inspired and reaffirm the importance of dedication                  of    last    issue's     crossword
       to our ideals and our aspirations for freedom.                      competition.

       To help with these discussions, we have included                    P7-11.

       some Chanukah resources in this issue.                              Chanukah narratives - resources
                                                                           for activities on machaneh or the
       In addition, we will be bringing you coverage over the              ken
       next couple of issues of the upcoming elections in
       Israel. We start this month with a piece explaining                 P12.
       the electoral system, and one on the party primaries,               Yediot
       where each party ranks its candidates (whereby if a
       candidate is ranked 21  in their party and in the                   P13.
       national elections their party receives only 20 seats,              80 years of Habonim
       they will miss out on a place in the Knesset).

       Going forward, we’ll have profiles of the main                      Meet Naomi Kassel
       players, the main parties, the winners, the losers,
       the crooks and the liars. We may even be able to                    P15.
       find someone with values in amongst them – but I                    In the blue corner - Obama, in
       wouldn’t bet in it!                                                 the red corner - The ken. Let’s
                                                                           get ready for a right royal
       Please     send     any     suggestions,      corrections,          rumble!!!
       contributions and retributions to                                             P16-18.
                                                                           Habonim Dror commemorates
       Aleh Ve’Hagshem,                                                    Yitzhak Rabin

       Anton & Sarah
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