Page 15 - Issue 5
P. 15
world wide apathy lies. We discussed economic systems and in turn what type of societies these create
and whether these are the type of societies which we wish to live amongst. We looked at gender equality
and the implications this has on our society. We have discussed the difficulties in justifying one's
thoughts/actions with solid reason. We have debated the concept of Zionism and challenged what our
Zionist ideals are.
…Our journey now stands on the brink of its
conclusion and I sit here having gained more than I
could have hoped to gain in a lifetime. The journey
was not an easy one, I think all the curve balls and
bumps in the road kept us on top of things and caused
us to truly come out for the better. I learnt how
breaking away from the norms and all that one knows
often highlights all that we hold so dear. The year
allowed us to get intimate with Israel, her land, her
borders, her people, her beauties, her conflicts, her
flaws, her disparities and her unique traits in a way I
never thought possible. From such an experience I
learnt how it truly is all a matter of perspective.
One year older, hopefully one year a little wiser we return home to loved ones, friends, family and most
importantly a movement who has been a home away from home all our lives. A movement which strives to
inspire, to educate, to entertain, to provide freedom and to aid its channichim in discovering some sense
of direction and purpose. This movement has taken each of us on a process and now we stand ready to
give back and put to use what we have learnt and discovered.
And so as the final countdown begins the topic of conversation which carries us into the wee hours of
the morning is what awaits, where to now? If we had such clear cut answers such debate would not cause
our heads to spin. Should chalutzick aliyah be the highest aim of our movement, where do our loyalties lie
in terms of social action, where does Zionism fit within our ideology, have we addressed our Judaism
pillar in a fitting manner etc. etc. Answers to such questions do not come easily. What has become clear
though is that our group aims to bring back a fresh perspective, a new approach and the drive to
revolutionize this movement.
After spending the year living Habo and
discussing the very essence of what this
movement means in our lives, we come
home ready to impassion others in the
same manner and to tackle certain
aspects of apathy amongst our bogrim.
We are ready to take this movement in
our hands, make it our own and create
for others what kept us always coming
back for more. So with one week to go
and with all the above realized, I, along
with my peers, view all that awaits as a
time of new beginnings and not as any
form of conclusion; put it this way this is
definitely the start of something much
bigger than the end.