Page 3 - Issue 30
P. 3
Shalom Habonim Dror,
Depending on which country and hemisphere
you are in, summer / winter camps are starting
this week in still more habo countries, whilst in
some places they have already been in full swing
for a month.
Tzvatim have been hard at work preparing
incredible tochniot and peulot, and getting the
physical sites ready for the arrival of the
I still remember the sense of excitement, and a
little anxiety, at saying goodbye to my parents
and hopping on board the bus to machaneh. I
would be hoping that my friends from the ken /
the last machaneh I went on would still be my
friends, and wondering what the first-timers
would be like.
Here’s to a meaningful, enjoyable, educational
and inspiring machaneh for all!
Please send any suggestions, corrections,
contributions and retributions to
Aleh Ve’ Hagshem,