Page 3 - Issue 20
P. 3


               Shalom everyone,

               Debate is an integral part of Habonim Dror – it’s
               who we are.  If you haven’t been involved in a
               heated ideological discussion into the early hours

               of the morning you’ve never attended a Veida.
               Attempts to reconcile Zionism and Socialism over
               a bowl of corn flakes at machaneh is simply a
               common occurrence at Habonim Dror machanot
               around the world.

               And yet, we are not always able to see each other
               in order to engage in these vital conversations
               about who we are as a movement and where we
               are going, especially in these days in the shadow
               of the current pandemic.

               There are other platforms that the movement
               can utilise in order to share opinions and educate
               ourselves. New media technologies are a
               fantastic way of keeping in touch with each other
               but there is another, more traditional form of
               communication, that can fulfill the goals of being

               a movement in constant debate: It cannot be
               underestimated the role newsletters have played
               in the history of our movement, and the
               important function they still provide.
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