Page 14 - Issue 18
P. 14

Concern for the working youth, who have been a
               part of the movement from its inception, is a key
               component of the movement's activities even
               today. According to a survey conducted by the
               movement, about 62% of youth participate in the
               labor market throughout the year, as workers or as
               job seekers.

               Additionally, the movement cares for teenagers
               who study in 24 vocational schools across the

                                                     The youth
                                                     union organizes
                                                     thousands of
                                                     young workers,
                                                     and in recent
                                                     years it has

                     10bis courier waiting outside    employees of
                        McDonalds, Tel Aviv           the fast food
               Burgeranch and Domino's Pizza. Recently young
               workers in the food delivery company "10Bis," are
               struggling to unionize. They are demanding from
               the company, among other things, health
               insurance that will cover their injuries during work.

               Founders of Naan and Beit She'arim

               In the youth movement’s early days, it was seen
               as a place for all, including populations not
               traditionally included in the Labor movement.
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